
Use of automatic strapping machine

Jul 05, 2024

1. Check whether the power connection is consistent with the side description of the nameplate on the side of the machine. Check whether the width of the PP belt used is consistent with the internal width of the belt path between the workbenches.

2. Check whether the direction of the motor is clockwise. The correct direction can be seen from the arc-shaped arrow marked on the belt feed roller of the belt storage box. When changing the power socket or wire plug, the direction of the motor must be checked. 3. Failure to install correctly according to the requirements of the machine manual will lead to serious consequences. The plug of the power connection cable must be firm and the power socket must have grounding protection.

2. Operation sequence

1) Connect the power supply, turn on the main power switch, and check the direction of the motor. 2) Turn off the machine, install the PP belt ring on the belt reel, and check whether the direction of the PP belt end is consistent with the arrow direction marked on the belt reel.

3) When passing the PP belt through the belt adjuster and through the belt feed guide roller, the inner surface of the PP belt must face down. Then pass the PP belt through the angle roller and through the tightening arm assembly into the upper and lower rollers of the belt feed. 

4) Turn on the machine again, and the belt feed motor of the belt storage box will automatically run to feed the belt. The length of PP tape stored in the tape storage box is about 1.5 times the length of the bow and the beltway. 

5) Press the belt feed switch until the end of the PP tape passes through the bow and the beltway and reaches the bonding point in the middle of the workbench. 

6) Place the bundled object on the bonding point and wait for about 30 seconds until the heater heats up to the normal working temperature. (The normal working temperature is 105 to 217°C) 

7) Adjust the tension to the normal position 4-5 

8) Press the start button or use the foot switch to bundle.

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